I realized the other day that I have been saving a fortune on hair care. So I sprang for some snazzy new glasses.

The medical team moved me to Mondays for chemo, and yesterday was a double dose, which is generally a 5-day buzz-kill. However, the lab result contained such good news that I have bounded out of bed at the crack of noon today to share it.
As you know, my prognosis depends on the CA-125 ovarian cancer marker, which is determined by a blood test. To recap: Normal range is zero to 35. The marker is calculated every three weeks. Back in late July, I started with a 608.1 – essentially, near death. Three weeks ago, I got a 22.3 – normal.
Well, friends, yesterday I got a 15.1 – normal again. If I get two more normals in a row over the next six weeks, I will officially be in remission!
Better still, the trend appears to be headed downward. I continue to aim for Lucky Number 7. Thank you for your support on the road to get there.
Just FYI — no matter how messy it is, a celebratory doughnut tastes even better when eaten with the fingers than with a fork.
Enjoy your week!