When January 1, 2020, rolled around, I realized I had done something unprecedented. For the first time in my life, I had actually kept a New Year’s resolution. As you may recall, my resolution for 2019 was, per the Bee Gees, “Stayin’ Alive.”
It was a low bar, but hey.
Now I’m at another milestone for 2020 – my birthday. Today I turn 67 years old. Knowing what I know about my initial diagnosis and what a path it has been to get to 67, it is a miracle to me that today has arrived. I thank you, because I am quite sure that your prayers and support are responsible in large part. And for whatever reason, the good Lord is not done with me yet.
Today, the redheaded and I are also celebrating 36 wonderful years of marriage. Getting married on my birthday was a secret childhood dream of mine. When we were planning our wedding back in 1984, that date was open, and it occurred to me that it would also be efficient and humane. That is, he would have only one date to remember every year. He has done a bang-up job with it, too, over the years, but none better than today.
Today he arranged for us to renew our vows with our pastor, Rachel, of the Oak Lawn United Methodist Church – via FaceTime, of course, because she is quarantined and we are sheltering in place. But what a day it has been – tearful, joyful, and memorable all the way around.

Chemo went fine yesterday, by the way. After a bit of a scare a couple of weeks ago with bad numbers and a blood transfusion, I am back on a regular schedule as of yesterday, with three weeks on, one week off. So I will be having the Topotecan for the next two Mondays in a row, followed by a week’s vacation. Even though my CA-125 cancer marker is in the three-digit zone, well north of normal, it is holding steady. Who knows – maybe it’s time to set another goal.
New book by the end of the month, maybe, or thereabouts? Working on it. We’ll see.
Stay safe.